Tuesday, December 23, 2014

general consensus of the day 12 23 2014

This will be my only consensus this week. Merry Christmas, or enjoy whatever you do, during holiday :)

Mountain Messengers remind us to look beyond ourselves. Towards the animals. I think people are coming to the sense that, animals do indeed have feelings, thoughts, and so on and are recognizing this. Listening to your others, or your guides, especially animal guides is in your best favor. Especially becoming aware that, we are not the only beings on the Earth that have a consciousness and feelings.-- This will be the year of the big move towards more veg based foods. It's like an overhaul. On a personal basis, you may have a visit from a loved pet that has passed into the other world. ***

Leonardos Vitruvious Man reminds us to look at the human form. The sacred geometry within that form, as in our cowlicks, faces, inside ourselves for what is perfect already. Some of us never acknowledge what is good about ourselves, therefore we can't see that in others. This perilous time can really go either way. People have the power to look to themselves and each other and beyond what is imperfect. Even still, our imperfections are what make us. Look beyond the bullshit and go deeper. This is the divinity of Humankind. For real. What truth are you seeking? ***

The circle reminds us, that we are whole already. There is no reverse to this. To view yourself already, in the wholeness of yourself, and mankind. That's really important. What is it that you want to create at this time? It's empty. What shall you fill the circle with? Who is in your circle, and does it feel good there? Is there something you want to change, about yourself? See above and perfections regarding above message. ***

Here we go. The new year brings promises of a 'better you'. see above, lol. This reiterates the above, and tells you that no matter what you have the right to be yourself, and have self confidence, and if you want to change something about yourself, then go ahead. You can't change other people!.... but you already knew that didn't you? People make resolutions, to change -- see above reference. Here's the thing, if it's a change you want, do it, and know that you are still yourself-- of course people are gonna try and get you to go to the gym, to be a healthier you. Go, only if it pushes you. Make that mental change, to be a more positive person though. It's 2015 people. Let's get with the program! Every human is beautiful in their own way, there is no need to compare-- you are a beautiful soul. ***

Truth. Here we go. What is the truth? For everyone it might be a little different, but the truth is the truth no matter who speaks it. So, you might find yourself seeking that truth, but remember the flux. Not everything is meant for you, and the shit that isn't will fall away. If that means breaking out of the rut, to deal with shitty feelings -- see above, and try a new workout, or rock climbing or zumba. Whatever it is. Do that. Remember we have been brainwashed by design since the 1950's so this truth may be coming out as well and people might be uncomfortable with what they find out. ***

Visualization. Use the power of your mind to push you along and hold that space for the greatest desires and goals you have. What you believe you can achieve. -- It's about the vibes more that it is about the thought, however, the thought creates that. If you watch the news a lot, it might be time to stop letting the negativity infect you. I know, it's true though.... see reference to brainwashing above. You can always find refresher meditations on this page.-- When they say it's the thought that counts, it really does. ***

Laughter. When you laugh in the face of fear, you fly. If people laughed in this place more than they cried, the vibration would be held really really high. so, please laugh, for yourself and for the planet. I know it's hard to even crack a smile some days but you have to. A genuine one. I can read your face I will know if your eyes light up or if you are faking it. Other people can't. But seeing you smile, might make them smile too, and then someone else, and so on. A smile is used to show harmlessness and no aggression. Laugh until you pee yourself. Or at least til there are tears coming down your face. 2015 is the year of hysterical. ***

Fair Exchange -- Energy cannot be created, or destroyed. This is the law of thermodynamics. Fair exchange-- you might think nothing is happening where you put your energy. Some of this is un seeable. Meaning we can't see it. We can't. But we can feel some of it happening, when it does. We don't know exactly how Iphones work, but we use them all the time. Choose where you put your time, energy and focus and watch how awesome it turns out. Keep up the vibration. This is the only thing we have on that now, but that is the uni verse we live in....


I hope this helps you, and all of us have a deeper understanding of our amazing, hysterical, compassionate, and scientific selves. Carry on. Merry Christmas, or whatever.

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