The consensus of the day is the general feeling of the people, at this time and on this day.
High tide to me means when things get rougher. You fight a little harder against it. However, now is the time to take action.
Now is the time to take action, and do what it is you had been planning. However, listen to yourself, above all. When you are in the water against the high tide, you know when it's time to get out of that water to avoid disaster, don't you? Listening to your own self right now despite what others may tell you is key to getting out of a sinkhole filled with shit.
Medicine wheel reversed says we have lost our way in nature. All those spring and summer walks have kind of come to close. The cold and snow, ( none momentarily) and darkness off put us like nothing else. Daylight savings time has not saved us any money, or time since all the electric bills are going up from... you guessed it! Darkness!
I have seen many people complain about their electric bills already and it's only December. We still have 3 months left of winter. BUT! the 21 st is the Winter Solstice and that's super awesome. The shortest night brings fun, and knowing the sun is coming back to us from now on in. WEEEE!
Entanglements confirms high tide, in you must decide how you want to live out this holiday season, without drama, or involving yourself in over commitments, drunken spectacles, or any such thing. Set backs have and can happen, do not let yourself be upset by trivial matters. Just be aware of yourself and your environment. Don't sweat the small stuff anyhow.
Serenity confirms medicine wheel, that your walks are needed. Time at the gym or whatever it is that keeps you sane at this point is very much needed. Seek the peace and tap in to your own energy that is available to you now. Enjoy your small kids, at Christmas, the house will be a wreck but who cares? Eat your pie, have some chocolate, but get back to the small things -- the every day things that make your life so sweet. The new year is here. Go for it, whatever it is.
I am content in all circumstances. Point blank. Confirms it all, Carry on!
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